HELP! Guest demands services not offered, doesn't read house rules gives bad revenge review!

Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

HELP! Guest demands services not offered, doesn't read house rules gives bad revenge review!

I need some help with my first nightmare guest who didn't read my advert, booked something not suited and then wanted services I didn't offer - after she had checked out and woke me up. Because she was such a nightmare I refused to do more favours after vacated and this is what had triggered this no doubt terrible review


She has reviewed me


I know it's going to be bad. Probably one stars all round. Ruining all my hard work with five star reviews. I was about to get Superhost even

with a shared bathroom


This is what happened:


My listing and booking messages state in multiple places it isn't self check in and an appropriate arrival time is needed before booking (so I know if I can accommodate) and a firmer time evening before. Also in house rules and in listing states that luggage drop off isn't offered


By the morning of her arrival, I still did not have a time of arrival 


I thought this was perhaps because she was new to Airbnb (just joined no reviews) however, even after politely explaining to her the difference between self check in and a check in window  listing where the host need to be home to welcome and give a key, she thought she should be entitled to arrive anytime she wanted as the response to my message was she "hadn't booked a check in time" 


After further messaging trying to explain and get an approximate time of arrival (on the day she was due), she then informed me (not asked) that she would be arriving any time from 13:00 (two hours before my check in window started) and 23:00 at night.


I again explained about the check in window and said I could accommodate earlier than 15:00 however, I would need an approximate time as I couldn't sit in for ten hours. She told me 14:00. however, turned up nearly three hours later with zero contact, in spite of my  attempts to get any response


 she only lived 1.5 hours away! So she hasn't even left at the time she said she would be here


I was told directly when she did arrive  that she had "no reason" be hours late and didn't let me know because she "couldn't be bothered". This set the tone for the entire one night stay


Very demanding during her stay - all of which I accommodated:


  • eight slices of bread that were intended for other guests breakfast I made into sandwiches for her lunch! On the day she checked out!
  • She informed me she'd ordered food late at night and then didn't answer the door for it, so I had to bring it to her
  • Asked an iron and ironing board at nearly midnight (I set it up for her, then she didn't use it or put out away)
  • Refused to let me know what time she was checking out.
  • Worst part - AFTER she had vacated in the day of check out, and with no mention prior to booking or at ANY point during her stay that this is what she wanted, rang my doorbell insistently AFTER SHE VACATED (waking me up) to INSIST that she leave a bag at my house to collect later.


When I explained that this was not a service I offered and that this was mentioned in the advert and house rules. She replied that this is something she wanted and I should do it as a favour or she would give me a bad review.


I declined to take the bag and said she had checked out and needed to leave. Thus, my no doubt bad review after all five star reviews..


I'm so angry about this. By the time I realised what she was like it was too late to cancel or get out of this booking without penalty for me, so I  tried to tough it out for the one night.


However, I draw the line at being woken up and blackmailed into taking bags and then having to sit in for another day while she refuses to communicate what time she'll be collecting the bag on a day she isn't even checked into my room!




Can I get her review removed because she tried to get me to do something not listed after she vacated and (verbally) threatened bad review? I can't prove this as she made sure to do it verbally


If I can't get the review taken down how do I review her? Do I stick with the classic?


"Unfortunately can not recommend to any host. Only suited to hotel. One star for both communication and house rules as neither seemed important to her and she seemed unwilling to accept any kind of reasonable boundary at all even when mentioned in advert and house rules"


Or do I go into more details?


And what should I write as response to her revenge review?


I've updated advert and rules to make it even clearer I can't have turn up whenever you like with ZERO communication and I have also made it even clearer in not taking your luggage after you check out (there isn't the space and I just don't want to sit in another day unpaid for people to collect luggage when there are paid places you can leave luggage in my city) and hope that helps for future. But that doesn't help me now


 please please help


Any advice appreciated

53 Replies 53
Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Thanks. I hate writing bad reviews

Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Also, can they reply to your review of them? The same way I can reply to her review?


@Claire1328 Yes, but it will be on her profile not yours. 

Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom



This was her review


1)  I can't see what stars she's given me for what.. where do I see this?


2)  she's dragged me down from five stars to 4.3 with no feedback or basis at to why. Other than to imply I'm racist..


3) Do you think I would have basis for getting her review  taken down as irrelevant to listing and personal insult implying I'm racist?


4) where does it tell me how long I have to relpy to her review? I know someone said I have a certain time period. How long was that again and where can I see when she wrote her review as I have from when she wrote and posted her review. 


This is her review. I'm livid


"If you are black, you should propably be careful because...... The house is clean and the room is comfortable."


Also, in case I can't get it taken down, what on earth do I reply?.


She has given me **rubbish** stars with no basis-  other than to imply I'm racist. Which I'm not. I pandered to all her nonsense and was polite, this is all because she can't accept the word no when she tried to shove her carrier bag at me. Entitled person using skin colour to blame people for not being her doormat. I'm so angry

Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Any help greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance


I was thinking of a reply along the lines of


"Unfortunately, guest demanded numerous services not provided in the listing  (also highlighted in house rules). Then did not react well when this was politely pointed out. Please rest assured that everyone will be warmly welcomed, and treated with respect,  I have had many people stay with me over the years (I also rent to long term lodgers) who are black or of non white skin colour with zero issues. You can see from reviews on my profile with the other room I have rented longer (many from non white people) who have found me to be a great host This is an entitled personality issue. Not a skin colour issue.  I politely ask  people check what is offered matches with what is required and the house rules around communicating your arrival time and booking the suggested luggage storage ( if required) after vacating, to avoid further disappointment and unpleasantness.



Claire.... do not reply like this! It's waaaaaay too defensive and emotional. In fact, wait until the case is adjudicated before posting any reply. As I stated below, sometimes if you reply they cannot remove the review. So just hold tight for the moment. See the way Evolve did it. Unemotional and yet still nails their asses to the wall. But just wait. I think this review will be removed because she called you a racist. Awful! 

Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Ok thank you. It's just such an awful thing to be accused of and I can't say anything in defence without digging  deeper hole as she mentions no specific example of this ,"racism" for me to reply to. This is because there was nothing I did that was racist. 

@Claire1328   OMG NO this is a terrible way to respond! Please don't do that to yourself!


I know it's a difficult and delicate matter being unfairly accused of racism. But as counterintuitive as this might seem to you, the worst way you can possibly react to such a charge is to try to "prove" you're not racist. That actually has very much the opposite effect! The guest's review would not deter me from booking your listing, but this response would. 


Honestly, I don't think you should respond at all. It contains no statements that need to be corrected and describes your home in a more positive light than you might have expected. Anyone who wants to hear your side of the story can simply tap on her profile to see your review. But if the guest's subjective opinion is that she was treated a certain way because of her race rather than her attitude and expectations, she still has a right to express that. It doesn't mean she's correct, but other people of color are perfectly capable of looking at the facts and deciding for ourselves whether to be influenced by her vague comment.


I don't think this incident makes you a racist, but I do think it's racist to censor black people for calling out what they perceive as racism. Don't fall into that trap.




Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Thanks for the feedback. I will say nothing and wait for air BnB decision. It's awful as there is nothing i can say to defend against this accusation without making situation worse. she mentions nothing specific as example if respond to and address lbecause there isn't any rational example she can quote. She just didn't want to follow most of rules 


 racist claim is total nonsense. At all times I was polite , respectful and bent over backwards to be accommodating while she totally disrespected me at every opportunity.


Calling someone "racist" because you don't get your own way after trying to blackmail someone to take your bag after check out,  demanding things not in the listing, then giving shockingly bad stars for things SHE did  not me (not communicating, difficult check in etc - both one star) isn't ok. 

I can live with her comment. I know it's not true. It's the shocking star reviews. That's dragged my entire listing down and ruined weeks of hard work for Superhost totally ruined by the this entitled guest


I  couldn't have been more accomodating and polite to this guest. The only person who mentioned skin colour is her. At no point on here when asking for advice or in my review of her have I mentioned skin colour. Because it isn't relevant. Her behaviour was


. I'm completely stunned she's using skin colour as a way to punish someone - when it's her who has acted racist as she treated me with utter contempt during her stay.  


 Hopefully, air BnB will take this review down as there is nothing in any conversation with this person that was remotely racist. She's entitled and has a chip on her shoulder. That isn't because of skin colour but who she is as a person

Oh my gosh, call Airbnb immediately and report this review. I think there are  violations that could get this review removed. 

Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

I've reported her review to air BnB


I believe it violates under rule three - relevant where air BnB recommend avoiding the following

"Name calling and assumptions about a person's character or personality"


I've given the link to the rules on reviews


So fingers crossed 


Would appreciate thoughts on response to her though. I think I've thirty days from when she posted her review. But no idea where I can see when she posted her review


Call this in first and open a case  before you reply to it. In the past when I could have had a review removed, they claimed they could not do it because it had been replied to by me. Not sure if that's true or not... but more than likely this really awful review won't stand. 


If it does, think carefully about how to reply. You don't want to sound defensive or add to the drama. She isn't reading it anyway, so address the reply in the third person. You are really using the reply section to address future potential guests.


I am not an Evolve customer but I like the way these two Evolve replies were written. I keep them on a sticky note in case I ever need to reply again. In all my years, I thought I had the reply down but I think Evolve really nails it. 


Response from Evolve:


Hunter, we appreciate and welcome constructive feedback, although we and the homeowner do not believe this feedback is warranted. Based on our understanding, the homeowner went out of their way to accommodate your group. However, your group violated many house rules and violated the city's noise ordinances triggering a visit from the police. This owner truly goes above and beyond for their guests as other reviews mention, and we are confident future guests will have exceptional stays! Best, the Evolve Team




Response from Evolve:


Sasha, while we appreciate constructive feedback, we don't feel this rating is warranted. During this guest's stay, there were several reports of extra people and excessive noise throughout the night that resulted in a police visit. The owners prioritize every guest experience and did all they could to accommodate you during your stay. We're sorry that you felt that their efforts were insufficient. We wish all the best in your future travels. Best, the Evolve Team

Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

This is great thank you. I shall use modifies version of these if I can't get removed. Or simply delete the listing and re post. I'm furious I've lost weeks of hard work to get super host because of this entitled guest who thinks being told no sorry that isn't offered in the listing here's where your can store your bags is racist

Level 4
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Found her star ratings for me! what a witch!

Accuracy 2

Check-in 1

Cleanliness 3

Communication 1

Location 3

 Surely she can't get away with this? It's proven in messages that this is total nonsense