What hosts are saying

    Rec'd the following from Airbnb: "xxx (host) had to cancel, but we’re here to help. To make sure you have a great stay in xxx (city), we’ve sent you $319.61 in travel credits to spend on a new place, and found some homes we think you might like. Or, you ... Latest reply by Barry90
    Buenos dias, que debo hacer si no aparece mi alojamiento publicado y esta activo?, por ello no he recibido ningun requerimiento. Latest reply by Emiel1
    Buenos días, soy nueva en Airbnb y he conseguido mi primera reserva. Es para Agosto y me gustaría solicitar parte del dinero para confirmar la reserva. ¿Es esto posible? ¿Cómo se hae? He visto la opción de Solicitar dinero al huesped, pero indica que el d... Latest reply by Steve143
    Hi all As a guest I have been declined from a booking. - amecably I might add. I used the contact host option but I have been asked to ' remove the booking as it is blocking dates ' I cant see a way of doing this. No booking was made it was a message wit... Latest reply by Emiel1
    I had booked a room on 15th September 2017, but the host didn’t have the room for me, he tried to contact Airbnb to cancel my booking. And I also called to the help center, they said they would refund to my account and I could get it within 15 business da... Latest reply by Yastri0