Emergency help nedded - a guest tells me 12 hours before arrival that she does not agree with my ho


Emergency help nedded - a guest tells me 12 hours before arrival that she does not agree with my ho

Please, I need HELP!


A guest made reservation for 1 person. She arrivies today t about 2-3 p.m.


I send her information how to reach the flat and asking for the arrival of the plane. She ansered WE - arrive at 1 p.m.

I asked what WE means - as the reservation is for 1 person only.


I big discussion followed - I copied it - I asked through the Resolution center as well as personally to make the pay for the additional 2 persons. That is the final part of the conversation.


Lilly Please, let me know how many persons are coming with you, because you send me a message WE, so you are not alone?  

Yesterday at 9:18 PM


hy Luly.
thank you for your information. we are me, my hasbend and my tow dother age of 13 and 16.

Yesterday at 10:41 PM · Ora


I went to bed, waiting almost one hour for your reply!

Lilly Ora, I AM GIVING MY GUESTS FREE CLEANING _ BUT NOT A FREE STAY!!! Please, note you made a reservation for just one person - and I had to ask you WHY you a sending me a message writing WE - I thought you might be arriving with your husband or a friend. I waited and waited for the answer of that question - and went to bed.

Today at 12:40 AM



Please, note - you are arriving 4 people - but I received an offer for ONE person only!!! I waited more than 30 minutes after asking you WHY you are giving me a message that WE arrive - when I have a reservation for just ONE person - and went to bed= NO, I cannot clean and allow use of water, electricity, then using the flat for FREE WITHOUT any pay whatsoever for FOUR persons!!! My monthly pension is 110 euro! I am giving a present to my guests free cleaning, but NOT FREE STAY!!!


dear Lilly.
when i look into the website I look for home that fit to 4 peopele and your home was there. i payed for the home that spose to be for 4 peopele and not for each one apart! if i would know that is the price i would never take that ofer becaose its not in my buget. so we can cancle the dill or leave it the way we agry befor

Today at 1:08 AM · Ora


Dear Ora,
You have to cancel your reservation as you do not want to agree with my house rules - send that information to AirBnb, I am sure they can help you to find for you a better stay. KR Lilly

Today at 1:18 AM


Yesterday at 10:41 PM · Ora


Top Answer

Hi @Lilly28Lilly, I have found by having a minimum stay of two nights, I do not get locals renting the space. If they want a romantic getaway, or date night... they go somewhere else for a one night booking.  🙂


Luckily I’ve never needed to do this. How to block a guest manually:

 - Go to your Messages inbox.

- Choose the guest and click on them.

- Click on the “.....” at the very top right hand corner of the messages column.

- Then choose your preferred action

- Report

- Follow the prompts


Hope this makes sense...

By the way @Ute42, I’m feeling like a good apple strudel with my wine!  🙌🏼  🙂


Lol... Cathie

Step 1  - messages and click on “.....”Step 1 - messages and click on “.....”


Step 2 - choose  “Report”Step 2 - choose “Report”


Step 3 - your choice/ your reasonStep 3 - your choice/ your reason


Step 4Step 4


Step 5Step 5



View Top Answer in original post

69 Replies 69

Please, help me! This guest did not read the house rules - she does not want to pay me the additional 10 dollars per person - which is 16 euro. As I clean the flat for free I cannot afford it to give FREE STAY as well!!!

The resolution center automatically answered that the guest has 72 hours to agree to my request for additional pay - but by this time the family will end their stay - they are arriving for just 1 day!!!

10 dollars per person - so 20 dollars for the additional 2 persons which is 16 euro for both.

@Lilly28 I would not use the resolution center for this. I would alter the reservation to be for 4 people, which should automatically increase your price. The guest then has to accept or cancel, as arriving with more people than you have reserved for is against Airbnb rules. Call Airbnb customer support for help.

Level 2
Chicago, IL

That's why you absolutely must require a cleaning fee wether or not there's only 1,2, or 4 people you would have been compensated. 

Level 2
Queensland, Australia

Nothing to do with a cleaning fee, this host charges extra for extra people and simply needs to make the booking reflect reality aka 4 persons not 1, sounds like the guests  are playing dumb in order to try and save some money.

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Absolutely! @Lilly28@Lisa723 is correct with her information.  Alter the booking request number of people and send to the guest to accept ASAP. They must accept the change and price increase or decline. 



“As there  are four of you intending to stay, not one, the current booking is inaccurate. The guest number needs to be truthful as per Airbnb booking requirements. That is for four people, not one.”


“If you do not accept the alteration with price increase, then regrettably, your family cannot stay.”


I would then be urgently contacting Airbnb support to have the guest cancel.  If they do not accept the change before check in TIME.


DO NOT allow them in to your home if they have not accepted the alteration. Be mindful, that if they are resentful, they will probably not review very well.....All messages through the Airbnb site for your protection. 





Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Lilly28 ,

It's not about reading the house rules, but about filling in the book form correctly.

A guest must apply the number of people going to stay in the accomodation, and the price will be calculated accordingly. So change the reservation and the guest will have to accept it ( or the guest has cancel the reservation).

best regards, Emiel


First, the guest did not fill out no. of guests properly - whether it was a mistake or intentional.... we'll probably never know but like others have said, all you need to do is send a change request with proper no. of guests reflected and the guest should accept before allowing to enter. If they refuse, you can contact abb - maybe abb will find them a place that will sleep 4 for the price (and reservation) of one. Imo, having accurate no. of people is nothing to do with house rules. It's just basic math. 


Second, just because you do not charge a separate cleaning fee does not (should not) mean you clean for free. It just means the cost is built into your nightly rate. 

How I can alter the booking? She already paid, and I received a message through the Resolution center that she agreed to pay - but until now the price paid is just as it has been. This is not a request for booking, this is already booked stay. 

You have to change the booking and tell her that if she doesn’t accept only one person can stay. Immediately change your listing to say only the number of people on the reservation may stay overnight.  


When you change the reservation make sure you change the price. Once she’s paid Airbnb doesn’t adjust it automatically. You need to manually enter the new price.


and if I read this correctl6 she is a party of four people, herself, her husband and two children.

@Cathie19How I can send to the guest ASAP - what this means? How I can alter the number of people? How I can reach Airbnb support center?


Yes, I am sure she will give me bad review as she wants too much for less.


@Jessica-and-Henry0My price is 11 leva - which is about 5 euro or 7 dollars up the price of similar listings - at least I am told  by the system that this is the situation. The price for cleaning in our city is 13 leva per hour - therefore I must clean, wash, iron the linen for 11 leva - which is absurd - it takes me more than 4 hours to do the job= So it is really free, and most of my guests appriciate this. I agree it depends on the flat - bare floor, little windows, less commodities, just 2-3 object for beauty... but my flat is just the opposite - carpets all over, windows of all walls - 11 they are, more then 50 amenities and plenty of objects of art. And 3 times I had 4 for cleaning because just my guests had different taste for design!

Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

@Lilly28 You can change the number of people staying, dates etc.  under the reservation. 

When you change it airbnb will mail the guest and ask her to confirm the changes. 

It has nothing to do with the resolution center. Just find the reservation and change the number of guests 🙂

I have just received information from Airbnb resolution - that Ora,s 32 leva is delayed! What do I have to do if I do not receive the payment and she drops with her whole family before my flat?

Level 10
Orono, ME

@Lilly28, in the message thread with the guest, find the "Change or Cancel" button and click it. Then update the reservation to 4 people.