What Hosts are saying

    I am astounded to find out that Airbnb is allowing guest to only use an intial for their account . I confirmed a booking and no first no last name as it normally populated . Hotels do not even allow this !!!!! Am I really expected to keep a reservation of... Latest reply by Wendy55
    I've been hosting for a year and always have great guests. We rent our upstairs bedrooms and are always at our home when guests stay with us. I just had an unexplained cancellation24 hours prior to arrival. I contacted my guest via text message and he did... Latest reply by Sandy330
    Hello Everyone, I am a second year design student currently working on an academic AirBnB design and styling project. I have created a small questionnaire to help me better my undertanding of the way AirBnB works as well as get the Hosts' point of view. ...
    Hi, I have recently started using Airbnb and have query when it comes to the special offer. I had come to an agreement of a $1261 for 10 nights stay including service fees. So when i went to put in my special offer i put in $1116 for 10 nights stay as th... Latest reply by Cor3
    Ok, shoppers, here's what I've recently discovered with regard to how IB (Instant Book) and the recent changes to the government ID requirements may have created a conflict in search results.I know some in the community think IB anathema, so for you good ... Latest reply by Jane491
    Hi Everyone, I'm curious to know how many hosts provide groceries; for example salt, pepper oil and so forth and what everyone is providing as a bare minimum and those of you that go above and beyond. Is there any real value in providing a fully kitted ki... Latest reply by Ilonka9
    Good day fellow hosts!I was informed today that airbnb will from now on only show profile pictures after a booking is confirmed.This prompted me to leave feedback in their help center, I'll paste it in below.I feel that airbnb has drifted enough from the ... Latest reply by Andre333