What Hosts are saying

    We had guests that broke our couch and after following the exact steps in resolution with messages with the host, photos and the receipt for the disposal and replacement of the couch, aircover is emailing me saying my claim is invalid because I did not ha... Latest reply by Fernando1561
    Hello Community,I wanted to share my experience since becoming a host one month ago. Initially, receiving a rating below 5 stars made me feel a bit disappointed, but I quickly learned from the feedback and made improvements to my listing. Now, I proactive... Latest reply by Robin4
    The guest and their group caused damage to the toilet, resulting in a leak during their 9-day stay that led to a $700 water bill, whereas the usual cost is $100. A claim was filed with Airbnb's claims center, but they stated that they do NOT cover utiliti... Latest reply by Fernando1561
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    I like the concept of Airbnb which is why I decided to become a host after having rented several times. However, Airbnb has not paid me for the two stays that were at my house and I cannot get any help from customer service. I am calling every day for a m... Latest reply by Jenny
    I had a problem with a booking. The guest was acting in bad faith, decided to leave for no real reason and stated that the villa was dirty. I dispute this. Airbnb support claimed to have received photos proving this, but refused to share the photos with m... Latest reply by Tareq16
    As a super host with over 1000 reviews and nearly 2000 stays it unbareable that airbnb still uses an algorith to suspend your listings without any human input. Esp a superhost with this many reviews surely it has to be in a category of dont unlist by AI u... Latest reply by Paul661