What Hosts are saying

    When a guest wants to rebook with me it is very difficult for them to find me. Amazon has a "buy this item again" button. Why not a "book this host again" button? Response from Airbnb We are planning to begin the design process on a feature to address th... Latest reply by Kay92
    Could some of you more experienced hosts let me know if I should be worried or not? Also, what questions would be appropriate to ask my guest to help me vet this booking - since they appear to have set-up their account just prior to booking my place ( Gvt... Latest reply by Edwin57
    Hosts have fixed check-out times but guests sometimes remain in situ beyond the check out time particularly if they have later flights to catch. I have re-itterated check out times, generously given a couple of hours extension without charge if it's conve... Latest reply by Huaai0