What Hosts are saying

    I had a guest who left big damage to my house about two weeks ago and I did file a claim to host guarantee. For some reason, every time I call to check on updates, Airbnb kept saying case manager has not assigned to it yet. Is this a normal practice... Latest reply by Lisa723
    에어비엔비에 나온 숙소 정보로 예약을 했다가 잘못된 숙소 위치로 해당 숙소에 가지 못했습니다.호스트와 연락하니 환불해주겠다는 대화까지하고 환불요청을 했는데 응답도 오지않고 환불도 되지 않고 있는 상태입니다. 호스트에게 응답을 바란다는 메세지를 보냈는데도 답장이 없네요... 에어비엔비에서 후기를 올려달라는 표시만 뜨고 환불 요청이 됐다고는 뜨는데.. 어떻게 해야 환불받을 수 있나요?
    We currently have superhost rating. Our space is a very large living/dinette/master bedroom with private bath across the hall. We have an additional room across the hall that could be potentially added as a "new" separate listing, thus causing both rooms ...
    As a new host,I was very shocked when AirBnB aknowleged that my guest asked to remove his 5 star review of my home after he read my review which disclosed that he violated my non-smoking rule and left my home a mess. How is this fair I asked? How do you ... Latest reply by Nordia1
    Given the outbreak of the Wuhan virus, I have decided to stop taking reservations from China guests.This is to safeguard us and future guests as we do not have the means to sanitize the apartment. What do you all think? Latest reply by Helen3