What Hosts are saying

    Hi I booked a room on Saturday with no reply from host, they gave a fake phone number and no show at the flat, customer service was useless and didn’t get back to me in time, I searched for my own replacement stay which was premier inn costing 375 as it w... Latest reply by Joanne819
    Hosts, we've been renting our tiny "Shack" here in the desert for several months now and I've got to say....people are gross!!! Seriously, grown adults are nastier than any of my kids or dogs. Yuck. So, I got thinking, what about swapping spaces with othe... Latest reply by Cathleen47
    Hi I have been wondering about what guests rate when it says "value"... Because value is always subjective... I assume they are valuing what they are getting for their money. Right? But I still don't understand because what are the guests comparing this t... Latest reply by Barbara83